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Shipbroking and other Extended Services


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25 Years+ Ship Repair

Good Reputation & Credit

No More Cost,Efficient & Smooth

VIP Experience for Owners

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Stable Repair Quality

Execute ISO9001 Standard

Attention on Every Details

Continuous Improvement of Process and Efficiency

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Professional Team

More Than 30s On Site Superintendents

Fulfill Owners' Needs and Make Repair Solutions

Coordinating multiply resources to serve Owners

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Wide Range Shipyard Network

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Multiculture Background

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JOINTTOP, 20 Years' Industry Quality


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Successful Completion Of The First
EGCU & BWMS Retrofit Project

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Owner's Benefits Are Also JOINTTOP's

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German Owner Praise on JOINTTOP
Ship Drydocking and Repair Mode

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JOINTTOP Strength and Acts to
Convoy the Owner

Hatch Cover Emergency Fabrication
Project within Half of Owner's
Expected Duration

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JOINTTOP Customers’ Feedbacks

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Capt. Ivan Sabat | Master mv EMCO1

From my side as a Master of m/v Emco-1 and behalf of my crew l'd like to say many thanks the Jointtop
superintendents for very good cooperation, for great support in every our requests and questions in all
respects of works and relationship.
Was pleasure to work with you.
And I hope to see your in future again and have a same cooperation in future.